In 2023, how should SXKH die spotting press move forward?

Release Date: 02/17/2023 Clicks: 1945

Looking forward to 2023, under the expected background of the complete liberalization of epidemic prevention and control measures, the bottoming out of the manufacturing boom, and the expected arrival of a new round of manufacturing revitalization policies, the die spotting press industry is expected to usher in a new cycle of great development.

Ningbo SXKH, as a professional R&D manufacturer in the die spotting press industry, has coordinated epidemic prevention and control and safe production and operation in the past year, especially in the international market, and has successfully completed the goals and tasks of the year under the severe epidemic situation, and achieved satisfactory results. In 2023, Ningbo SXKH will adhere to the principle of steadiness, steady progress, steady grasp, and start a new journey of high-quality development.

In 2023, how should SXKH die spotting press move forward?

Coordinate development and security, and strive to prevent and resolve various risks.

It is necessary to strengthen the market research and judgment of the die spotting press and strictly control the risk in a more prominent position. Further strengthen internal refined management and internal risk prevention and control. Continue to implement the responsibility system for safe production, and resolutely prevent and curb the occurrence of safety accidents.

Promote the innovation of die spotting press technology

In 2022, a batch of new equipment trimming machine of Ningbo SXKH were developed and applied, and the die spotting presses also achieved a major breakthrough in the original limit parameters, and the 800-ton and 1000-ton large-scale heavy industry die spotting presses were developed and put into application. Behind the improvement of the performance and parameters of the whole machine is the improvement of the entire die spotting presses industry chain.

Continue to cultivate the international market

Relevant experts said that the rapid growth of exports is the result of the comprehensive effect of various factors such as the improvement of the competitiveness and service capabilities of die spotting press enterprises, the expansion of business coverage, and the deepening of user penetration. At present, there is still a lot of space to be explored in the international market, including the replacement of existing market stocks, as well as new application fields brought about by product upgrading and process innovation.

In the process of building a first-class die spotting press brand, Ningbo SXKH always puts strengthening value creation in the first place, and customer value, brand and enterprise development form an organic whole. Always adhere to the customer-centric business philosophy, build the cornerstone of corporate brand development with high-quality service, and create corporate brand by creating value for customers.

Adhering to sustainable development, SXKH die spotting press has set up SXKH factories and offices abroad to promote one-stop service. While providing reliable guarantee for global trade, it also provides sustainable power for the development of corporate brand value.

In 2023, SXKH die spotting press will continue to be down-to-earth, be close to the market, and meet the new journey with the fullest attitude.

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